OECD Global Anti-Corruption and Integrity Forum, 2019
Building towards Integrity 2030: An Australian Case Study
The Building Integrity Programme has developed a novel framework for conceptualising and evaluating the integrity of public institutions (see here). This year, in conjunction with the Australia and New Zealand School of Government, we were commissioned by the Australian Federal Government’s once in thirty-year Independent Review Panel of the APS, to evaluate the integrity regime of the Australian Public Service (the ‘APS’).
Partnering with the OECD, we will be presenting this evaluation as a case study at the OECD Integrity Meeting in March. The case study will illustrate our novel approach to integrity in practice, providing a model for evaluation for other governments.
About the 2019 OECD Global Anti-Corruption & Integrity Forum – 20-21 March 2019, Paris (France)
The 7th edition of the OECD’s Global Anti-Corruption & Integrity Forum entitled – Tech for Trust, will take place on 20-21 March 2019 in Paris.
Blockchain, big data analytics, AI and other new technologies are transforming the way of working for governments, businesses and society. The 2019 Forum will focus on the risks and opportunities of new technologies for anti-corruption & integrity.
Find more on the Forum’s website – http://www.oecd.org/corruption/integrity-forum/ or email IntegrityForum@oecd.org for more information.
Find the Forum agenda here: http://www.oecd.org/corruption/integrity-forum/agenda/