EU Integrity Project Conference
With Austria's EU Council Presidency's starting in July, the Austrian Federal Bureau of Anti-Corruption, along with partners from Germany (Landeskriminalamt Nordrhein-Westfalen), France (Agence Française Anticorruption) and Romania (Direcția Generală Anticorupție), held a kick-off meeting for its EU integrity-building project. Anna Petherick, a postdoctoral fellow with the Building Integrity Programme, gave a keynote address outlining different approaches to defining integrity, the concept of public institutional integrity, and the empirical work of the team in Oxford.
The objective of the Austrian Federal Bureau of Anti-Corruption's EU integrity-building project is to contribute to promote integrity in all sectors, with a special focus on the public sector and the exchange of experiences between sectors. One of the project's first goals is to set up an “EU Integrity Network” to strengthen mutual understanding, communication and cooperation in this field across the EU